Dear friends of the Filasez
It gives us great pleasure to inform you about the progress of our project, the Filasez. We want to share this joy with you. The Filasez is a forward-looking, independent educational initiative approved by the People’s School Board. It started in summer 2020 in the Schützehüsli Rosenberg in Winterthur with a kindergarten and a playgroup and will gradually be expanded into a day school.
On the road in the first quarter
It all started with the construction of a self-designed wooden box. A box of their own that can now be filled with feathers, stones, a notebook and other personal treasures, dreams and wishes. You can see what the children have experienced since then on our blog.
This school start was preceded by several months of intensive preparation. The association was founded and a company structure was set up, a pedagogical concept was developed, the financing was prepared and a location was found. Approval procedures were initiated, public relations work was done, a team was put together and a website was set up.
Since the beginning, we have been able to rely on the unlimited support and experience of Veronika Müller Mäder and Jürg Mäder, founders and long-time directors of the Swiss School Award-winning Scuola Vivante in Buchs SG. Many thanks!
A very special thank you to our families who are supporting this project with us and moving it forward!
The Filasez is a heart project, we act out of the deep conviction that educational diversity is important – for the simple reason that we humans are different, different in our needs, forms of expression and ways of life. The Filasez creates space for this diversity and sees its offer as a complement to the public school. To be allowed to be out and about with the children in this freedom, to counteract the confusion of everyday life with something positive and valuable, that makes sense, has a contagious effect on others and gives hope. How can we create something that lasts and connects, especially in these times? What do the children need, what do we have to focus on so that they can actively shape their future with their own strength? For us, this means listening well, looking and trying out.
Since the summer, the Schützehüsli has offered us a roof over our heads, in the shelter of which the feeling of security and safety can grow. We have started to design our own personal space and set our code, the „What we do in the Filasez“. Gravity is tested in the forest, children, backpacks, branches, everything rolls down the slope. There is climbing, shimmying, making fires and brewing tea from a variety of ingredients. The campsite, on the other hand, shows us other forms of living together. We get to know people who help us find answers to the questions of being on the road. Why does the campsite need a barrier and what are the numbers on the floor for? Each child is allowed to develop his or her personality, is encouraged to make his or her own point of view and every day offers a chance and a new beginning. Through the native French assistance, the foreign language flows naturally into our everyday life. The ears are pricked up, forms of expression are sought or simply parroted. Of course, you can also say „poubelle“ to „chübel“. Whether it’s vegetable soup with nettles or omelettes in the caravan – the food we prepare together for lunch has its very own flavour. What do we do? We give time to wonder, we learn in a meaningful and project-oriented way, we value what we have in common and what unites us, and above all we laugh a lot.
Open Day, 28.11.2020 from 11am – 2pm at Schützehüsli Rosenberg. With pre-registration.
We ask you for generous donations
Unlike public schools, independent schools like the Filasez do not receive any subsidies. The school fee concept of the Filasez is designed in such a way that the school is self-supporting at full capacity. For parents who cannot pay the full school fees, we are in the process of setting up a scholarship fund. It is our concern that freedom of school choice is guaranteed regardless of income. We are actively fundraising for the start-up period, when funding is one of our biggest challenges. We ask you to support the Filasez according to your means with small, medium and larger donations, interest-free loans or donations of materials! The Filasez Association has been granted non-profit status: The expansion of the Filasez educational programme is in the public interest.
Donations to the Filasez Association can be deducted from taxes.
Michelle Brun, André Hochuli and the Filasez Team
Direct Giving:
The Filasez can be supported on Spenden.Stiftungschweiz.
or via e-banking:
Filasez Association, 8400 Winterthur,
IBAN: CH70 0839 0037 2012 1000 8
Thank you very much!