This year Community Focus Group (CFG) celebrates 20 years of working in our community, transforming lives and making a difference.
We have fed vulnerable children both orphaned and disabled , we have bought them school uniforms and supplies.
We have responded to disaster by feeding the survivors, we have trained teenage mothers and given them skills to forge sustainable livelihoods, We have organized human rights and Hiv Festivals to educate the youth and the community among others among all the good we have done in the community with your support.
None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you so much for being a part of this!
Please share with others and tell them about our work. Pamela
Direct giving
Community Focus Group train young women in Kayole Nairobi county of Kenya who have dropped out of school because of pregnancy, Your donation will give a young woman the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to forge a sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families.
Projektbeschrieb Teenage Mothers 2018
Alle Spenden werden direkt an Pamela Ateka weitergeleitet.
trailblazing GmbH, Hauptstrasse 41, CH-9477 Trübbach
Raiffeisenbank Werdenberg, Konto 90-862-2
IBAN CH39 8080 8003 4986 4215 6
Vermerk: trailblazing.cfg_Kenya