The summer abundance of apricots at Hauerhof 99 in Kritzendorf still gives us tasty jam here in Andalusia. Pure apricot flavour

In the cooking box that travels with me, I discover a packet of Viennese baking sugar. It has a recipe on the back.

Childhood memories.
Mother and grandmother memories.

Well then. Off to bake booklets in December-warm Andalusia.



1/2 cube yeast, 100 g Viennese baking sugar, 0.1 l milk, 400 g flour, salt, grated zest of half a lemon, 1 packet vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp rum, 1 egg, 2 yolks, 150 g apricot jam, 100 g melted butter, Viennese caster sugar for sprinkling


For the dampfl, dust the yeast with some baking sugar, half the milk (lukewarm) and some flour and leave to rise in a warm place. Knead the remaining ingredients and the dampfl with a food processor to a smooth, medium-stiff dough. Roll out thinly into a rectangle on a floured work surface. cut 4×4 cm squares, put the jam on top, fold the corners and press together carefully so that the jam does not escape. Dip each Buchtel in melted butter and place in a baking dish. Leave the Buchteln to rise in a warm place and bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for about 40 minutes. Sprinkle the Buchteln densely with Viennese caster sugar and serve with vanilla sauce.

Recipe from


A dessert made of yeast dough, which has its origins in Bohemian cuisine.


A classic contribution of „Bohemian cuisine“ to Viennese cuisine and known in Vienna probably since the Biedermeier period (1815 to 1848). Today, Buchteln are considered the quintessential Viennese coffee cake.


The word „Buchtel“ is derived from the Czech „buchtičky“ or „buchta“, a type of yeast pastry, with filling. In addition, the dictionary knows: a body like „a Buchtel“ = plump, solid; then also buchta = good person.

Bohemian cuisine

The influence of Bohemian can be seen in the 18th and 19th centuries. Bohemian cooks were in the service of many Viennese bourgeois houses and their pastries were proverbial and sung about in many songs. Their pastries made from yeast and potato doughs were considered specialities and enriched the repertoire of Viennese cuisine


Traditionally baked in a tube and filled with powidl or apricot jam. But also curd, poppy seeds, nuts or fruits are used as fillings. After baking, sprinkled with icing sugar or covered with vanilla sauce and eaten while still warm

Germ and Dampfl

Germ is an Austrian term for yeast. The word „Germ“ is derived from „to ferment“. Doughs were originally made to „rise“ by using old dough scraps („Ura“, „Zeig“) or a kind of „Dampfl“ (pre-dough)


Warm pastries were basically fasting foods and were therefore meant to demonstrate renunciation. From the 18th century onwards, warm pastries became acceptable and a meal without such a dessert became unthinkable. However, warm pastries were still considered a filling main course by the common people


„Ternobuchteln“ were an enterprising idea of an innkeeper at Hermannkogel in the Vienna Woods in Biedermeier Vienna. He began to bake „lucky numbers“ for the number lottery „Terno“ into Buchteln. The so-called „Ternobuchteln“ were very popular with the Viennese who made the annual pilgrimage to the Hermannskogel on Agnas Day (21 January) and St. John’s Beheading Day (29 August)


Unfilled variant, usually has a smaller shape and is called a „Dukatenbuchtel“. They are cut out in the size of a ducat (former Austrian currency) and then baked unfilled. When finished, the Dukatenbuchteln, which are about the size of an egg, are traditionally served with Kanari milk – a kind of thinner vanilla sauce without added starch.

Information and further recipes

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism